A purpose-built temple to consumerism seems an odd setting for a group of liberal green-thinking, planet-loving runners to congregate.
But the juxtaposition of Birmingham’s sprawling NEC hangar and our Village Green stage hosted by Allie Bailey’s Ultra Awesome, and Damian Hall, only served to shine a brighter spotlight on what runners are starting to crave more of. Change.
The National Running Show is a yearly event which showcases brands, races, and those with exceptional stories to tell, and is visited by thousands.
In 2023 we had our first foray in the world of NRS – with a few homemade signs next to the Bad Boy Running stage, and ULTRA magazine. The movement was beginning.
In 2024 we had a bigger area, though in the midst of the bargain bins of t-shirts and the frenzied sale-rails of shorts and trainers, we had to shout loudly. We had Jasmin Paris to draw the crowds, the team from Re-Action Collective, and Little Re-Creations, with our co-founder Darren continuing his trainer repairs in earnest, but we didn’t quite have the platform we needed.
This year though. Just wow.

Together with Allie, Damo, Darren, and Nina pulling together the stage, we were joined by REnov8, Preloved Sports, Trees not Tees, One Good Thing, Iron Keld Repairs, David Miller, Re-Action Collective, Jasmin Paris, Vertebrate Publishing, PairUps, Into Ultra, and panels of awesome runners doing awesome things.
As much as it pained us; at one point we had to turn people away. The queue to see Jasmin was immense. We’re sorry if you were one of those people. We can only thank you for your understanding.
Aside from the popularity of Jasmin; the desire for people to learn how to make positive changes was truly humbling.
Darren and his sidekick Julius on the Pair Ups stand did not once come up for air, as runner after runner came forward to have shoes repaired.

The Preloved Sports stall selling second-hand gear was packed out. And as you all came forward, time and time again to sign up to become a Green Runner, to make your pledges, and to find out what more could be done, we started to realise that this really is what’s needed in the running community.
Our volunteers were extraordinary. What a dedicated bunch you are. Thank you for your support; we absolutely couldn’t have done it without you. Thank you also to photographer David Miller who donated a framed print of Jasmin Paris slumped in front of THAT gate for a competition prize, and attended for the whole weekend. Another legend.
Oh, and did I mention that Trail God (as described by one of our followers) Scott Jurek came over to find out more about signing up. Don’t worry – we’ll be following up on that one too!
The Village Green was BY FAR the best bit of the whole Running Show
Petra Bijsterveld

We made the stage happen. We came together as organisations for environmental change. But it was YOU that made this the success it was. Your desire for systemic, corporate and individual change is driving the green running movement, and you are our drive to go bigger.
Thank you all. Let’s do it again next year!
The feedback:
Cris: “I’m not the kind of person that normally “reaches out”/DM’s people, but I just wanted to say that your village green at the Running Show (I was there Sunday) was the most incredible thing!
By far and away it was the highlight of the show for me, and I think pretty much anyone who follows the trail running scene for the love of the outdoors, and the impact this hobby can have on people’s lives (outside of the bounds of just running races to win for your sponsors) knows that your village green was the place to be all day.
I spent so much more time floating around your area than I ever thought I would, and than anywhere else in the whole show!
I’ve only been running for about a year, and very quickly got sucked into the “you need ALL the shoes, and ALL the kit, and last season is sooo last season!” commercialism, and now having spent time following people like Damo, hearing his message, and seeing the “Pair Ups” guy (can’t remember his name as I type this – sorry!) working so hard all day fixing bits and bobs I honestly feel inspired.
You lot, your message, the group you have gathered, the people that follow you all feel like my kind of people, and I really hope I can cross paths with you all again at some point during the year, be it shows or events.
Hopefully you’ll have an even bigger presence at next year’s Running Show – I think you are by far the most important message that the show needs to be sending out to people.”
Aimee: “My heart is so full
I was lucky enough to spend some time today volunteering with @the.green.runners at @nationalrunningshow.. It’s not very often that you actually get to meet your heroes, to meet pretty much all of them just in the space of a few hours felt very surreal.
I have listened to some amazing people talk about their experiences in running, ranging from how to pack your bag for a long distance event to how to survive the depths of addiction and use running or exercise as some kind of positive change, needless to say – I have come away from today feeling so inspired.
Thank you to TGR for letting me be a part of today and thank you to everyone who let me have a photo, signed my books or just had a conversation with me, because being part of @the.green.runners genuinely feels like being part of something much bigger, hopefully being part of the change we all need to see for a nicer and longer-lasting planet
PS- I think everyone should join, link in bio xx
Petra Bijsterveld: “The Village Green was BY FAR the best bit of the whole Running Show. As well as having the best vibe of course, you also had the best and most interesting speakers. What a line-up! Please can you have a much bigger space next time.”
Sharon Fox: “Loved my time at The Village Green this weekend! Thank you all, definitely need a bigger area for next year!”
Catherine Murphy Smith: “Somehow couldn’t stay away – had kit repaired, listened to some fascinating folk, discovered a LOT. Already signed up to Green Runners a while ago, but now in touch with so many more groups associated with sustainability and making running more do-able for a wider audience. Sorry if it seemed I was stalking you all, my most favourite stand of this exhibition, or maybe of all exhibitions I’ve ever been to. Very excited to have had a proper taste of what Village Green folk are up to. Massive thank you for talks, free repairs, competitions but mostly for sharing so much about yourselves and making it easier to spread the word. Hoping you have a bigger stand next year.
Charm_bracelet_trail_events:“PLEASE make the Village Green HUGE next year. Those guys are the ones ensuring runners can run for years to come, protecting our planet. It was the busiest area and it just deserved a much bigger space. Sustainability is a massive deal now, and features in the lives of just about every runner. All the smaller businesses involved in the village green are doing incredible things and deserve a bigger voice.”