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1000 actions to celebrate 1000 members!

To celebrate the awesome milestone of reaching 1000 members in 2023 we’re encouraging everyone to join us in taking an action (or several) which aligns with our 4 pillars, in the hope of collectively achieving 1000 actions.

Actions can be as big or small as you are able. Perhaps make it your New Year’s resolution? Once you take the action we want you to share news of it on social media tagging The Green Runners and using the hashtag #TGR1000Actions!

We’ll track the number of actions with the aim of hitting our 1000 target by the end of January.

Let’s spread our message and let the world know that The Green Runners are working towards a fitter planet.

You can find some suggestions below…

Green Runner taking a bus to their race!

How You Move

  • Walking, running (yay!) or cycling to work one or two days a week instead of using the car.
  • Running to the shops instead of driving
  • Pledging to travel locally instead of flying
  • Travelling to your next race using public transport.
  • Joining a car share scheme
  • Choosing to holiday by rail or ferry instead of flying
  • Swapping your petrol or diesel car for an Electric Vehicle (or a bicycle!)
  • Ensuring your car tyres are properly inflated

Recommended reference:

Pair Ups repairs

How You Kit-Up

  • Repair rather than throw away your running shoes (we recommend a PairUps kit).
  • Sign up to a sharing app such as Olio
  • Purchase secondhand running clothing and kit rather than buy new. There are loads of good places to find quality used gear. Check out Preloved Sports in the UK and all of the Reaction Collective businesses worldwide. Vinted, Ebay and Facebook selling groups are also good options.
  • Pass on a pair of old trainers or old kit to someone locally who will use them rather than leaving them taking up space in your cupboards or worse still, taking up space in landfill.
  • Arrange a “swap shop” at your running club

Recommended reference:

Jasmin Paris eats a veggie sandwich on a train
Jasmin with a veggie sandwich

How You Eat

  • Commit to a meat and dairy free day or two a week.
  • Cut down on beef, lamb and cheese, the foods with the largest environmental impacts
  • You may even be ready to go for a fully plant-based diet
  • Shop locally rather than at a large out of town supermarket, perhaps even a “zero waste” store
  • Buy seasonal produce and experiment with different ingredients.
  • Just promise to share your delicious recipes with us too!

Recommended reference:

How You Speak Out

Our UTMB campaign
  • Wear your Green Runners badge to your club, next race or park run and invite people to ask you about it
  • Request that a race offers Trees not Tees
  • Write to a Race Director asking for their sustainability policy
  • Sign our UTMB petition 
  • Write to your local elected official asking for more action on climate change
  • Join your local protest group, such as Extinction Rebellion 
  • Move your money to a more ethical bank and pension provider

Recommended reference:

Banking on Climate Chaos Report

For even more ideas, check out our Christmas blog from last year here!

There are so many ways you can get involved with our 1000 actions celebration. What are you waiting for?

On your marks, get set, go!!

Share your actions with us on socials, or email us at [email protected]

