The UK and French elections are now in the rearview mirror, with reasons to be cheerful from both.
In the UK, we saw a flurry of votes to ‘greener’ parties and the election of a record four Green Party MPs. In France, what looked set to be a march to victory for the far-right fizzled out at the eleventh hour, leaving hope for the green agenda in the EU.
That said, we are a long way from where we need to be, and there is still more we want to see from our ruling parties to help us on our path towards a fitter planet. Of course, our priorities sit alongside those of other organisations calling for increased protection and enhancement of nature, reduced emissions, investment in green technologies – and more besides.
Here, though, we have outlined what we believe to be the key priorities under our Four Pillars – a Green Runners Manifesto, if you like. We hope these can be applied wherever you live, and we’d love you to share this with your local representatives.

End fossil-fuel sponsorship of sporting events #HowWeSpeakOut
We have been banging the sportswashing drum for some time now, but to see fossil-fuels given the red card in sport we need legislative change.
The UN Secretary General recently called for an end to fossil-fuel advertising. That has to extend to sport, where arguably the problem is at its greatest.
We call on our governments to bring in legislation to turn this into a reality. There is no need for fossil-fuel companies, financiers and countries (such as the United Arab Emirates) to sponsor teams and events.
Let’s call it out for what it is – sportswashing.
Make kit last and improve circularity #HowWeKitUp
We know that many brands across the world are cutting corners when it comes to kit. We want to see legislation brought forward to enforce minimum durability testing for outdoor gear, ensuring that wasteful production is put to a stop.
In addition, electronic companies in the UK have shown it is possible to accept broken and old equipment to be recycled. We think running companies can do the same – some already are! That’s why we want to see outdoor companies accepting old and damaged gear to be properly recycled, as well as offering free repairs on all gear.
Furthermore, there needs to be greater transparency in the supply chain. Right now, too many companies are turning away from a full carbon footprint assessment due to the complexities of the supply chain. But there are companies out there doing it, so it can be done. Laws should be brought forward to detail supply chains, both for emissions and to ensure ethical production. Read Vivobarefoot’s Annual Report to see how it can be done here.

Check out our Ultimate Guide on when to replace your running shoes, including how to make them last longer!
Get people moving again #HowWeTravel
For too long aviation has been the default mode of transport for many. Despite increasing prices and awareness of the environmental impact, flying is still a booming business – even domestically!
In the UK, our public transport system is almost embarrassingly bad. Prices are at record highs despite poor performance and lack of availability.
We have witnessed great success in the £2 bus fare scheme in some parts of the UK, and we feel that needs to be extended and expanded across the network.
It’s time to get people out of cars and planes and into clean, greener, affordable and efficient public transport. Ideally, we want to see a bus available every 15 minutes and a train every 30 minutes on main lines, and delays slashed.
In addition, banning short-haul domestic flights and removing tax breaks for aviation fuel is an absolute no-brainer.
Lastly, let’s get people moving. For too long our health services have been crippled by rising bills due to sedentary lifestyles. We need to open up our active travel network and encourage people from a young age to opt for movement.
Getting the country moving is not about adding motorways; it’s about active travel.
Be bold on food policy #HowWeFuel
We don’t just need to think about how we move, but how we fuel. Our governments need to take bold action on food policy to ensure agriculture and biodiversity can live in harmony. There are exciting projects to take inspiration from and these should be replicated at a bigger scale.
We also need to urgently address the reliance on fast-food and ready meals. For us, that’s about educating people on where their food comes from and how to cook their own meals. Eating well is not as expensive as people think, especially when compared to a takeaway easily costing upwards of £10 per person.
Healthy bodies and minds will help us advance towards a cleaner, greener, fairer future.
What do you think?
What do you think of our ideas? Join in our call for a fitter planet by sharing these ideas with your friends, family and, most importantly, representatives.
We can make these changes if we are willing to put vested interests and habits behind us.