The Green Runners
The Green Runners – where it all began.
The inspiration
Dan Lawson has always been the catalyst for what is now The Green Runners. The amazing work that Dan and Charlotte have done with Rerun is truly inspiring.
This inspiration led to one of our co founders Darren Evans to write the COP26 (Runners against Climate Change) ode.
The Ode enabled the coming together of some key environmentally aware runners, namely Damian Hall who had previously set up a WhatsApp group called Runners for XR.
As a result Damian was able to get other key runners like Jasmin Paris, Jim Mann, Taz Babiker, Sarah Ryan, Charlie Harpur, Finlay Wild and Dan Lawson etc to help put the Ode to video:
The video was launched ahead of COP26 where some of our co founders went to Glasgow to support some of the protest groups.
Green Shoots
After COP26 we were disappointed with the outcome and we wanted to see if we could create a community in time for COP27 and beyond. A few of us decided to have a couple of Zoom calls to discuss what to do next.
As a result of these conversations we decided to form a group called The Green Runners.
In Feb 2022 we secured the domain name, the social media handles and we went to work.
It was at this time that we agreed collaborations with Rerun Clothing and Treesnottees.
The Green Runners Badge
We were really keen not to add more T shirts to the ongoing over production of race and club T shirts, so we created the TGR’s badge.
These are produced by Rerun Clothing using old race T’s.
Badges are available exclusively to members who have subscribed and made a pledge—click the link now to get yours!
The Green Runners Launch
“Runners who love the environment and Environmentalists who love to run”.
It was really important for us to have a good mix of experience.
We have numerous FKT and record breaking runners in our team but we also have runners who work as sustainability managers and carbon engineers. This really helps us get a broad view of how what we need to focus on.
These initial co founders worked really hard to build the website and the social media content for our launch on World Earth Day (22nd April 2022). This was the beginning of The Green Runners.
Our fundamentals and mission are the 4 pillars that the co founders created. Above anything else this is why we are here.
How we move.
How we kit up.
How we eat.
How we speak out.
It was agreed that we would not be supported by any business or corporate brand, so we asked anyone who joined us to pay a small membership fee to cover costs of our website etc.
All we ask is that you make an action based pledge or pledges on either 1 or all 4 of the pillars.
Action based Pledges
One of our co founders Jasmin Paris made the very first video pledge on Twitter as part of our launch.
In June 2022 Jasmin dropped all affiliations with any running brand and now runs solely for The Green Runners.
This is who we are.
This is our community.
This is our purpose.
Creating and sharing one action based pledge at a time.